Audition Information
Auditions will be held in the AV Cafeteria in September. There will be 8-10 actors per 30 minute time slot. Actors will each sing their prepared song (1.5 minutes max). Then we will read some lines one at a time.
Please use these tips for audition music. Following these tips can really help your actor have a more smooth and less stressful audition experience.
If your child is going to sing to a background track, please send them with a device to play the song
YouTube videos can be challenging for background (karaoke) tracks. They have ads and sometimes the internet connection is not stable
We suggest playing a karaoke track located on the device or possibly in Apple Music.
Have the track cued up for your actor so they can just press play
Parents stay outside during auditions so if your actor has your phone make sure it is in Airplane mode and there is no passcode
Tips for making the most of your audition:
Pick a song you like to sing
Broadway and Disney songs are encouraged
Songs from the current play are discouraged
Maximum time for singing is 1 1/2 minutes
Focus on the best part of the song
It’s fun to sing to a karaoke track, they can be edited for length
Singing to a track w/ vocals is discouraged because we can’t hear you.
Try to dance, act or play the character
Relax and have fun. That’s more important than being perfect.
Choose a song that ...
the actor is familiar with
is within their singing range
has a similar character to the part they want to get
allows the actor to show their personality
has some story to it, to encourage dancing and acting
One suggestion for finding song options is to search for Disney Songs on YouTube. There are many helpful videos with some of the most famous and fun Disney tunes.
Callbacks are a second round of auditions. Not all actors will receive a callback. Callback information will be given to performers at their audition time slot if they receive a callback.

Audition Class
We are going to offer an audition class this year in the Cafeteria. This class is optional and free of charge. There is no need to register for the class. We will have fun and discuss how actors can improve their audition.